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product description

Our ECO fly fishing reel is designed for beginners while still remaining advanced enough for an angler's backup. It is die-cast and made entirely of strong aluminum. The rugged Teflon drag makes the reel extremely stable and strong enough for big fish.

OUTSTANDING VALUE – this reel incorporates all of the features of reels that costing much more money. We just wish to bring the experience of Fly fishing to more people
Strong and Durable All-aluminum construction, Large arbor design for rapid line retrieval
Rugged disc drag for putting serious pressure on the fish. One-way bearing for quick and easy left-to-right hand retrieval switch
Pre-loaded with fly line, backing and leader

3/4 wt, 2.95" diameter, WF4F moss green fly line+20lb orange backing line+9ft 5x tapered leader

5/6 wt, 3.35" diameter, WF6F moss green fly line+20lb orange backing line+9ft 4x tapered leader

7/8 wt, 3.74" diameter, WF8F moss green fly line+30lb orange backing line+9ft 3x tapered leader

ECO fly fishing reel.jpg

ECO fly fishing reel 2.jpg

The default is a left hand retrieve reel. To change this, simply follow these steps:

1. Release the spool from the reel frame

2. Take out the spring clip and the white one-way bearing, which is beneath it

3. Reverse load the one-way bearing into the spool

4. Put the spring clip back on 

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