A Japanese Fly Fishing No Reel Experience For Travelers and Aficionado

April 26, 2020 Fishing Guides Views: 3397

I always loved hiking across distinctive lands, eating food that I find in the area, so eventually, I found out about a Japanese fly fishing no reel system called Tenkara fishing. 

If you are against fishing, unfortunately, we have to say goodbye here (but I hope you will read some other article!). However, if the idea of being able to fish in nearby rivers and streams with very light equipment inspires you, you probably love being in contact with nature and, in a slightly romantic way, getting the food you will eat in the evening by yourself. So, here I write about a sustainable way to do it!

Before I start talking about Tenkara, I must clarify one simple thing: if you catch a fish, be sure to do it in an environment where your presence and your fishing activity do not make the watercourse sterile. Mountainous lakes and streams have very delicate balances, and it doesn't make sense to break them just for a little personal pleasure that will hardly be repeated (because in some places when you fly fish once, then the fish will be gone).

What's this Japanese Fly Fishing No Reel System?

Tenkara is a Japanese fishing technique you use in some aquatic environments. The appeal of tenkara is that it is a very simple technique. It requires little equipment: a fly fishing rod without a reel, a heavy line, a leader, and a tied bait. In jargon, this is called a fly.

That's why when I saw it for the first time, I named it Japanese fly fishing no reel system.

We could say that Tenkara is a middle ground between renowned fly fishing and fishing for children, with a line attached to a bamboo rod.

Just like in traditional fly fishing, the bait is artificial. The artisan built them using feathers and animal hair positioned around a hook with the help of threads of different colors. They use a more uncomplicated procedure for flies production. Everything is always based on observing the conditions in which you find yourself, and on the type of insects available on the site where you intend to fish, to imitate them in the best way.

As in fly fishing, the fly line is different from a standard one: the bait extremely light, so it takes a thicker and heavier thread to send the hook and the leader where you want them to be.

Other differences between Japanese Tenkara fly fishing and traditional fly fishing include the rod. The rod for Tenkara is very different from the fly fishing rod: in the latter, we use a reel. Generally, reel and rod are two separate pieces. 

On the rod, we find rings at well-defined distances to keep the line near the body the rod, so that we can cast in a better way.

Even the Japanese fly line is a little different because a fly line has a well-defined structure, with a thickness that slims along its full length.

The Tenkara line is simple with a frequently uniform thickness.

Why Tenkara fly fishing and hiking?

After this short presentation of the Tenkara technique, you may be wondering why I told you about it.

As I wrote before, I love hiking in different countries. I plan arduous routes that may take me 10, or more, days into the woods. I have to bring food with me or sustain myself with what's available. 

There are refueling points along the way. Here, I can send food and collect it later. But I will have to deal with freeze-dried, dry, preserved food. In short, nothing appetizing that tastes good.

The Tenkara rods are light, and they are easy to pack. I bought my Japanese fly fishing no reel equipment at maxcatchfishing. I was looking for information on Japanese tied baits, and I ended up on their site. I found a discount offer for the whole kit. They sold an entire Tenkara kit for under $ 80, so I immediately bought one and stocked up on other items on offer. 

Besides, given the high mileage, I always try to minimize the weight to carry around. I considered that the amount of food I could get by bringing a rod that weighs 3,70 oz (100 gr) is incomparable. It's easy to set up and use. Quick to pack and a sustainable way to enjoy the amazing place around.

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